Thursday, September 8, 2011

Freaky Matrix

I'm Just sayin:


Keanu Reeves is a vampire.


Now, look at this:
That’s “Paul Mounet”, a french actor, who “died” in 1922.His body never was found.

Then, look at this:
An unknown man, painted in 1530 by Parmigianino.

Compare them:


Taken from a friend: 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Camp Adventures

1st day of camp!

Sweatin like a fool

tube run!!

Umm, my mattress has a leak.

I'm glad I'm not the only snorer at camp. I'm just the loudest...

Guess it's time to drop the kids off at the pool, I've stalled long enough. (pun intended)

Gettin ready for a float trip. Deodorant or not?!?

That bird wanted to know if I wanted some tea #manners

I'm going to have bobby record my voice mail with my name. He says it so sophisticated like.

That armadillo is doing a real good dead man's float.

Seriously, that spring keeps ya young. Look at Martha, she's 80 and I'm 50.

I love my orange camo fishing hat

The remains of the Asylum are creepy.

That was a long trip.

Dragonflies were mating on me... I feel dirty now.

She didn't last long.

I'm questioning that boy a lot...

Blackberry Cobbler!!

I could barely hold that ink pen I'm so exhausted.

Spoons is such a high risk, yet satisfying, game.

Ouch, sunburnt knees!

Hey, Cookie!

I'm so excited for breakfast tomorrow.

Nothing stays personal at camp...

Sleepin in that lounge chair was almost like a recliner.

There's a dragonfly and butterfly convention this week on the river

He's a sophisticated 4 year old, he drinks Perrier.

Tube train!

I made sun tea!

Stupid Deerfly bit me.  Don't worry, he got what was comin to him.

Found a belt, lost a wash cloth.

Me: I'll feel better when I toot.
Hayden: Toot? (giggle)
Me:, Yeah, what do you call it?
Hayden: Fart.

Love hearing the screech and barred owls

The barred owls started rapping...

Color cones in the fire make me feel like a kid again!

Martha & Becky are playing musical chairs around the fire.  Pour Mike doesn't know who his wife is.

Terry & Jan came down!!

The Klauses and crew had to leave :-( But I bet I have 2 new FB buddies when I get home.

Maybe the cotton balls will help dry my ears out.

I've heard like 5 jets fly over today...

My team almost won at washers

I'm a beef jerky eater now... might as well embrace it.

Horsefly bit me!  Ouch.  But Martha got revenge for me.

I'm reminded of the fire wood we had last year that had a glow n the dark fungus/mold on it. #xfiles

I need to kill this moth so it doesn't fly into my mouth as I'm sleeping.

Got it!!

Phase 10... My least favorite game.

The fly catcher is not doing it's job well.

Trip to Emminence and maybe Alley Mill.

This vent in the back of the tent doesn't work well if there's no breeze.

I have a tube rash on both arms.  I'm gonna need a month to recover from my vacation.

Ur stories aren't that funny...

I'm amazed at the beauty of the Springs and how God made all this.


Sarsaparilla soda ain't to bad.

Man-cub? Who talks like that?

I'm ready for drier clothes. Everything is damp... no way to stop it.

7am tube run?!

Played washers again... lost again.

IDK that I've ever heard you say anything positive...

This Dexter book is good.

My ears are clogged.

Not cool spider, buy me a drink 1st next time.

I could totally pull off manpris... My calves look good.

there's no excitement in the camp... All the trouble makers have left.

We were going to go on a cave tour

Rain, rain go away.

This tent leaked a bit...

I have to get my own tent next year.

Learned to play Rook.

Oops, didn't mean to sleep 3 hrs

I more full day left.

Rain again?

Yellow Jacket stung me!!

Yeah, finally get to tube!!!

MMM 5 way chili, the ride home is going to be fun #dutchoven

There is a log in the fire that has a knot in the bark and it totally look like John Candy's character in Spaceballs.

Pet peeve #14 - people who add R's and S's to words that shouldn't contain them. #1walmart #wash

Hopefully breakdown is easy.

This blanket is going in the trash after tonight #sour

Got a new Current River shirt thx to Uncle Mike & Aunt Martha!!

I'll give Becky at least a 10 min head start for bed.

I may have to post these in 2 blogs... #theresalot

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I'm a Beaver

I've been kind of busy lately.  Boy am I thankful!  I was getting tired of being in the house all the time.  I am actually on a company's payroll... well, 2 company's! I just don't ever work, lol. I've filled in for the office at church, when needed, for about a year now and officially will be working every Thursday for awhile (and God willing, take over permanently the rest of the work week).  Plus I am a backup at Life Inc. That entails helping a someone clean, cook and organize. All three of which I love to do.  So I'm excited about that.  

But that's not really what has been keeping me busy. I've been going here, there and everywhere.  I love the summer time. It means trips to The Muny.  I got to see several of the shows this season:

My favorite this season was Little Shop of Horrors. I'm glad my BFF Ellen got to go with me because for the past few years we've been waiting for it to be done again on the Muny stage.  It was worth the wait. Though it didn't end like the movie, lol.

I get to see a friend and travel some of the country with my sister in a couple weeks! My sister and I are road tripping it to Texas for a week to see our foofy!  I think we may even go to San Antonio for a few days too.  I'm very excited for this trip. It'll be something new and something my sister and I can share for the rest of our lives! 

Tomorrow I leave for Current River for a week of camping and fun with friends and family! I'm so excited. We do this every year and some of the people have been doing it for 20 years or more! I'm thankful I got in on this tradition. It's a good time to relax and just enjoy nature and the natural rhythm of things.  I was never a camper when I was a kid. Hated dirt, hated bugs and hated nature in general, lol. And though the first day takes a bit of adjusting for me, I just love it! As long as nothing is in my tent with me I'm good, lol. My first night ever being there I had worn flip-flops because um that's what I do, lol. (Not now btw) And I almost stepped on a copperhead snake.

Should I have put a warning up there? Sorry. Anyway I wasn't even traumatized by that first night's event like I thought I would have been.  Though I may have been screaming a bit at the time. I just love the fellowship and memories that happen. And the tubing isn't too bad either.

Friday, July 22, 2011


You say you know me
But I don't see it
Through your actions, your words
A different story unfolds
Spitting and yelling
Kicking and punching

Breaking of glass and bones follow
Red replaces white
Black and blue become my anthem

Calm displaces the storm
Tenderness and soothing

Still accusing, still blaming
But softer, gentler
Like a viper in my bed
You say you know me...



Flower are blooming
bunnies are grazing
the unrehearsed chorus
of birds fills the air

A buzzing bug flies by


I hear what you say
   the murmurs and remarks.
How should I respond?
   In anger? Or malice?
My God loves me
   your dismay doesn't bother me.
He made me unique
   we are all unprecedented.
I love my God
   I've yet to be deluded.
I hope you love my God too
   because He loves you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dream a Dream

I had a nightmare the other night. It doesn't happen often, but usually they are intense.  I can't remember much, but I do remember I was PeeWee Herman.  I had watched this earlier that day so it may explain why...

Hope you don't have any bad dreams now, lol.

It actually wasn't as bad as other dreams that I've had in the past.  I've had the regular falling dreams and drowning dreams.  I did have a reoccurring nightmare that involved yellow eyes. They'd just pop up in the most weirdest places and that's the instance I realized it was a bad, bad dream.  The most horrifying one I've had actually sent me flying out of bed.  

I'm not for sure how the dream started, but I know I was me with another person and then halfway through I turned into Mulder and Scully, from The X-Files.  And then it turned into a 1st person event.  (Side note- most the time in my dreams I am me, but I'm looking at the whole thing like I'm watching a movie or TV show)  I remember we were searching for something through the house, but not my current house, an old childhood home.  And we got to the backdoor.  I opened the door and a revolver popped into my view and I remember staring down the barrel and then the gun fired.  

I remember seeing the fire from the barrel.  It took me awhile to go back to bed, lol.

Monday, July 18, 2011

straight vs not straight

I told myself when I first started this blog that I wouldn't make it about being gay.   Since that is obviously a huge part of my life and who I am as a person it was inevitable that I blog about different things.  This isn't my coming out story (which btw isn't much, but I'll address it in a later blog), but it's more about what I face everyday of my life.  Now some people of the gay community liken our struggle for equality with that of Women and African Americans.  I'm not 100 % on board with that.  The gay community does face opposition, there is no doubt about that, however I'm not sure if it's to the extreme of other movements that has swept this nation.  I could be wrong.  There isn't much of a strong LGBT community in my neck of the woods.  And, truth be told, I don't pay that much attention to things.  It's sad, I know, but it isn't something that I really think I need to focus on. I'm comfortable with my life, for the most part, and don't see the need to make any waves.

You could move.  ~Abigail Van Buren, "Dear Abby," in response to a reader who complained that a gay couple was moving in across the street and wanted to know what he could do to improve the quality of the neighborhood

But somethings do upset me.  I'm not in a relationship at the moment, but someday in the future I hope to be. I've stated for the last 5/10 years that I don't think I want to get married.  It's not an important thing to me.  The right person could change that, but right now in the place that I'm at in my life I don't see the need to get a piece of paper to say I love someone and am committed to them the rest of my days.  However, it'd be nice to have that option and at the present moment I only do in a few parts of my great nation.  And I don't mind a road trip if it involves make my partner and I equals. Able to have each other on our insurances, be treated equally in a hospital or what have you.  But just because I can go to Iowa and get married, doesn't mean when I come back to Missouri that the government in this state will recognize my marriage.  They won't. So if I want to take a commute to Iowa everyday for work just so I can have those insurance benefits for me and my partner, well I think that's discrimination.  I don't know any straight people that have to do that. In fact I have a better shot at marrying my 1st cousin than my gay boyfriend.

Of course if it's my gay 1st cousin I'm screwed. (no pun intended) Iowa will let me marry my boyfriend, but not my 1st cousin so that would involve a longer road trip.  See how that makes perfect sense?

I realize that homosexuality is a serious problem for anyone who is - but then, of course, heterosexuality is a serious problem for anyone who is, too. And being a man is a serious problem and being a woman is, too. Lots of things are problems.
- Edward Gorey

Now I'm not gonna preach at anyone. I know that not everyone agrees on everything. And the gay community isn't asking for everyone to agree that homosexuality is ok, but shouldn't I (as a human being and an American citizen) be treated as everyone else?  I just don't understand the hesitancy of the whole issue.  We gays are not recruiting any one's children nor trying to turn straight, hetero persons into gay zombies.  We just want acceptance. 

Labels are for filing.  Labels are for clothing.  Labels are not for people.  ~Martina Navratilova

I don't like to label myself, I think it limits me, but sometimes it's needed.  Otherwise, no one will pay attention.  I don't enjoy being labeled by others. I think it's my prerogative to be able to label myself. 

People sometimes think I'm gay because I once played a gay in a movie.  It's funny.  Audiences don't think you're a murderer if you play a murderer, but they do think you're gay if you play a gay.  ~Perry King

I don't like the word 'fag' or 'queer'. It's a hateful word, even if it's said in jest or love.  I hate when people use the word 'gay' in a derogatory way.  It hurts worse when people laugh after it's been used.  And I know that the majority of people aren't thinking when they do it. That's sad. I'm not saying I'm completely faultless. I still struggle with speaking incorrectly and chide myself every time I do.  It doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite, it just means I'm human.

Straight Americans need... an education of the heart and soul.  They must understand - to begin with - how it can feel to spend years denying your own deepest truths, to sit silently through classes, meals, and church services while people you love toss off remarks that brutalize your soul.  ~Bruce Bawer, The Advocate, 28 April 1998

Thursday, July 7, 2011

tweet tweet

I know this is probably redundant, but I just thought it would be neat to put the last few days worth of tweets all together in one post... just because I need a filler, lol.  Read from the bottom up for chronological order or be a rebel and start from the top.  I promise the next post will be of substance. Maybe